En este tutorial te mostraremos cómo mostrar una celda de texto como desplegable, para que los usuarios puedan seleccionar valores de una lista predefinida.
add_action('vg_sheet_editor/editor/before_init', 'wpse_modify_column_settings', 999); function wpse_modify_column_settings($editor) { // spreadsheet key. For example, "user" for the users spreadsheet, post, page, or a post type key $post_type = 'post'; // column key that you are editing $meta_key = '_expiration-date'; // Options for the dropdown. The array key is saved in the database and the value is displayed as label for the user. $options = array( 'no' => __('Do not allow', 'woocommerce'), 'notify' => __('Allow, but notify customer', 'woocommerce'), 'yes' => __('Allow', 'woocommerce'), ); $editor->args['columns']->register_item($meta_key, $post_type, array( 'formatted' => array( 'data' => $meta_key, 'editor' => 'select', 'selectOptions' => $options ) ), true); }