= V 1.8.17 - 2025-01-28 = * CHANGE - CORE - Minor UI improvements * CHANGE - CORE - Updated freemius sdk = V 1.8.16 - 2025-01-07 = * FIX - CORE - A dropdown used by Gutenberg is not working = V 1.8.15 - 2024-10-26 = * CHANGE - CORE - Performance improvements = V 1.8.14 - 2024-08-01 = * CHANGE - CORE - General bug fixes * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the search tool * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the handling of date values * CHANGE - CORE - Improve RTL compatibility = V 1.8.13 - 2024-03-28 = * FIX - CORE - Minor issues = V 1.8.10 - 2024-03-22 = * CHANGE - CORE - General improvements * CHANGE - CORE - Improve compatibility with PHP 8.2 * CHANGE - CORE - Performance improvements = V 1.8.9 - 2024-01-26 = * CHANGE - CORE - General UI improvements * FIX - CORE - Small bug fixes = V 1.8.8 - 2023-12-13 = * FIX - CORE - General bug fixes = V 1.8.7 - 2023-11-02 = * FIX - CORE - Small bug fixes = V 1.8.6 - 2023-09-13 = * CHANGE - CORE - General improvements = V 1.8.5 - 2023-07-23 = * CHANGE - CORE - General improvements * FIX - CORE - General bug fixes = V 1.8.4 - 2023-07-13 = * CHANGE - CORE - General improvements * FIX - CORE - Some sheets initialized with the wrong columns = V 1.8.3 - 2023-07-06 = * CHANGE - CORE - Performance improvements * CHANGE - CORE - General improvements = V 1.8.2 - 2023-04-13 = * FIX - CORE - Several bug fixes = V 1.8.1 - 2023-02-03 = * CHANGE - CORE - Several improvements * FIX - CORE - Several bug fixes = V 1.8.0 - 2022-12-15 = * NEW - CORE - Allow to change column backgrounds * CHANGE - CORE - Performance improvements * FIX - CORE - Small bug fixes = V 1.7.21 - 2022-11-11 = * CHANGE - CORE - Improvements to the columns manager * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the usability of some popups * FIX - CORE - Small bug fixes = V 1.7.20 - 2022-09-29 = * CHANGE - CORE - Improve performance * CHANGE - CORE - Improve popups navigation * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the handling of locked values * FIX - CORE - Sanitization issue that was breaking some Gutenberg blocks = V 1.7.19 - 2022-08-19 = * CHANGE - CORE - General improvements * CHANGE - CORE - Performance improvements * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the sorting of rows = V 1.7.18 - 2022-07-31 = * FIX - CORE - Several bug fixes = V 1.7.17 - 2022-06-23 = * FIX - CORE - Bug fixes = V 1.7.16 - 2022-05-25 = * FIX - CORE - Small bug fixes = V 1.7.15 - 2022-04-19 = * CHANGE - CORE - Code refactoring and more sanitizations = V 1.7.14 - 2022-04-06 = * CHANGE - CORE - Bug fixes * CHANGE - CORE - Allow to activate licenses network wide * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the saving of taxonomy terms = V 1.7.13 - 2022-03-02 = * CHANGE - CORE - Small improvements * CHANGE - CORE - Upgraded Freemius SDK to v2.4.3 = V 1.7.12 - 2022-01-26 = * CHANGE - CORE - Added support for PHP 8 * FIX - CORE - Small bug fixes = V 1.7.11 - 2021-12-08 = * CHANGE - CORE - Small bug fixes = V 1.7.10 - 2021-10-20 = * FIX - CORE - Small bug fixes = V 1.7.9 - 2021-09-10 = * FIX - WC Products - Small bug fixes = V 1.7.8 - 2021-08-18 = * CHANGE - CORE - Minor changes = V 1.7.7 - 2021-07-14 = * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the handling of special characters * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the wpml workflows * CHANGE - CORE - Minor changes = V 1.7.6 - 2021-06-19 = * CHANGE - CORE - Minor bug fixes = V 1.7.5 - 2021-06-03 = * FIX - CORE - Improve the restrictions = V 1.7.4 - 2021-05-19 = * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the taxonomies handling * CHANGE - CORE - Improve currency handling = V 1.7.3 - 2021-04-21 = * FIX - CORE - Fancy taxonomy selector doesn't work well * FIX - CORE - Sometimes the tinymce editor appears empty = V 1.7.2 - 2021-03-12 = * CHANGE - CORE - Productivity improvements * FIX - CORE - Small bug fixes = V 1.7.1 - 2021-02-24 = * CHANGE - CORE - Add more advanced options * FIX - CORE - Compatibility issue with WP Frontend Admin = V 1.7.0 - 2021-02-10 = * NEW - CORE - Add spanish translations for latinamerica * CHANGE - CORE - Add more advanced options * CHANGE - CORE - Small automations * FIX - CORE - Add compatibility with WPSolr Pro * FIX - CORE - Small bug fixes = V 1.6.0 - 2020-12-19 = * NEW - CORE - Improve the advanced settings * CHANGE - CORE - Terms search should mention the slug * CHANGE - CORE - Remove links from usage widget * CHANGE - CORE - Improve saving * FIX - CORE - Small fixes = V 1.5.8 - 2020-11-21 = * CHANGE - CORE - Add more text to the status bar * CHANGES - CORE - Improve handling of non-utf-8 characters * CHANGE - CORE - Improve handling of images * CHANGE - CORE - Simplify license activation * FIX - CORE - Some columns are readonly by mistake * FIX - CORE - Compatibility with WP Offload Media * FIX - CORE - Edge cases with taxonomy terms * FIX - CORE - Compatibility with WP Smart Import = V 1.5.7 - 2020-10-22 = * CHANGE - CORE - Add more text to the status bar * CHANGES - CORE - Improve handling of non-utf-8 characters * FIX - CORE - Some columns are readonly by mistake = V 1.5.6 - 2020-10-11 = * CHANGE - CORE - Add support for strange url images = V 1.5.5 - 2020-10-07 = * Updated to CORE v2.21.1 = V 1.5.4 - 2020-10-07 = * CHANGE - CORE - Improve handling of extensions * CHANGE - CORE - Add more columns * CHANGE - CORE - Don't use wpautop when saving content * CHANGE - CORE - Allow to view column keys * FIX - CORE - Improve performance on some cells = V 1.5.3 - 2020-09-08 = * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the saving process * CHANGE - CORE - Improve support for some devices * CHANGE - CORE - Add support for modern jQuery * CHANGE - CORE - Productivity improvements for some contextual menu actions * CHANGE - CORE - Improve performance * FIX - CORE - Sometimes sheets are not generated * FIX - CORE - Add support for rare wp media settings * FIX - CORE - Sometimes the media library modal doesn't let you select multiple images * FIX - CORE - Some cells are saving with wrong encoding = V 1.5.2 - 2020-07-22 = * FIX - CORE - Save popup gets stuck when the changes are saved in < 350ms * FIX - CORE - Sometimes columns dont appear in secondary dropdowns but they appear as visible columns * FIX - CORE - Sometimes images aren't found in the media library when using URLs = V 1.5.1 - 2020-06-26 = * CHANGE - CORE - Improve performance when loading +800,000 cells at once * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the handling of advanced settings * CHANGE - CORE - Add shortcuts to menu * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the handling of new fields * FIX - CORE - Export doesn't complete when the current user is not administrator * FIX - CORE - Avoided memory leaks = V 1.5.0 - 2020-05-20 = * NEW - CORE - Improve the handling of external images * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the freezing of columns * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the productivity while sorting columns * FIX - CORE - Sometimes deleted columns also deleted similar columns by mistake * FIX - CORE - Sometimes the save popup gets stuck = V 1.4.2 - 2020-04-20 = * CHANGE - CORE - Prevent data errors during imports * CHANGE - CORE - Prevent memory issues * CHANGE - CORE - Prevent confusion when the loading of rows is disabled * CHANGE - CORE - Optimized performance when we have thousands of columns * CHANGE - CORE - Facilitate the removal of many columns * FIX - CORE - Advanced settings modal doesn't save some options * FIX - CORE - The pagination options don't appear when we are in the middle of the spreadsheet and we reach the bottom * FIX - CORE - Bulk Edit - Empty checkboxes are ignored * FIX - CORE - Search - Empty checkboxes are ignored * FIX - CORE - TinyMCE popup sometimes skips rows when using the navigation * FIX - CORE - Non-hierarchical taxonomy terms should not have hierarchy * FIX - CORE -Parent name is wrongly encoded sometimes * FIX - CORE - Sometimes columns can't be enabled * FIX - CORE - Sometimes the columns manager can't save changes = V 1.4.1 - 2020-03-17 = * CHANGE - Small tweak to the display of advanced settings toolbar * CHANGE - WC Products - Keyword search by sku should allow partial matches = V 1.4.0 - 2020-03-16 = * NEW - CORE - Integrate with Elementor * NEW - CORE - Improve the pagination * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the handling of full screen mode * CHANGE - CORE - Don't delete the manually created columns when the plugin is uninstalled * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the saving UI * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the support for columns with autocomplete type in the search and bulk edit tools * CHANGE - CORE - Allow to search by ID in all the dropdowns * CHANGE - CORE - Improve the advanced settings interface * FIX - CORE - When we open the tinymce editor and the cell has a value with line breaks, the visual editor removes the line breaks = V 1.3.0 - 2020-02-19 = * NEW - CORE - Add support for custom post statuses * CHANGE - CORE - Allow to disable the cell comments * CHANGE - CORE - Allow to save taxonomy columns using a term slug * CHANGE - CORE - Load author cells with ajax * CHANGE - CORE - Reduce the memory usage when loading the spreadsheet page by reducing all the unnecessary output * CHANGE - CORE - Add cell comment to hierarchical taxonomy columns to indicate the format for child categories * CHANGE - CORE - When we save images on any field while editing a post type, automatically attach the image to the post if the image is unattached * CHANGE - CORE - Allow to save a file name in the image columns and automatically save the first image from the media library matching the name * CHANGE - CORE - External button cells - Don't show a button when the value is empty * CHANGE - CORE - FREE - Allow to edit custom post types with limited fields * CHANGE - CORE - FREE - Remove formulas teaser from the toolbar and just link to it from the paragraph teaser * CHANGE - CORE - FREE - Disable the post types teaser from the toolbar because the post types can be edited in the free version now * CHANGE - CORE - FREE - Add a global teaser as paragraph in the header to better indicate the limitations and what's premium * CHANGE - CORE - Sort the list of spreadsheets in the form to display the available first, free extension second, and paid extensions finally * FIX - CORE - When changing the post type of a post, from page to another, clear the page template meta key to prevent the "invalid page template" error thrown by wp core * FIX - CORE - When using multiple free plugins, sometimes the upgrade links get mixed up and one plugin shows the upgrade url of the other causing incorrect purchases = V 1.2.0 - 2020-01-13 = * NEW - CORE - Add option to "settings" menu to reset all settings * NEW - CORE - Allow to delete rows using the context menu and delete the selected items * NEW - CORE - Add option to scan DB to the settings dropdown to make it easier to find * CHANGE - CORE - Indicate in import modal that changes are saved directly * CHANGE - CORE - Allow to select in the advanced settings which fields use the new serialization handler * CHANGE - CORE - Performance optimizations: The "post parent" column should not load all the titles, it should be a dropdown with ajax search * CHANGE - CORE - Performance optimizations: Limit the usage of meta keys to 2500 columns, no one needs to search/edit more than 2500 keys and sites with +10000 meta keys are super slow * CHANGE - CORE - Performance optimizations: When we rescan DB to find new columns, only scan once per page load * CHANGE - CORE - Return the full SQL query as meta data of the ajax call when loading rows to help during tech support/debugging, do this only for administrator * FIX - CORE - The post modified date is not being saved when edited in the cells * FIX - CORE - When we freeze a column, it freezes the wrong column * FIX - CORE - Sometimes cells are misaligned = V 1.1.4 - 2019-11-24 = * FIX - CORE - When using a free plugin and a premium plugin, don't initialize unsupported modules when using the free spreadsheet to prevent major issues * FIX - CORE - the gutenberg editor can't be opened when a post title contains double quotes = V 1.1.3 - 2019-11-18 = * CHANGE - CORE - blacklist columns with keys containing -wpfoof- * CHANGE - CORE - When changing the settings to load > 300 rows per page, show a notification indicating that it may overload the server * CHANGE - CORE - Prevent errors due to high number of rows per page - If the user defines rows per page >= 100 and it fails, automatically reset to 10 and retry * CHANGE - CORE - Add advanced option to delete attached images when we delete a post * CHANGE - CORE - When saving an external image into the media library, save the external URL and reuse the local image on future saves/imports to avoid duplicating the images on every import * CHANGE - CORE - Make the Columns Manager wider to have space for columns with long names * CHANGE - CORE - Columns manager - When hovering over the name of disabled columns, it doesn't show the name of the column * CHANGE - CORE - COLUMNS MANAGER - Don't show columns that can't be disabled * CHANGE - CORE - Updated styles of the toolbar * CHANGE - CORE - Fix the 2 toolbars during scroll, not just the main toolbar * CHANGE - CORE - Increased columns limit from 310 to 410 to prevent good columns from not showing up * CHANGE - CORE - COLUMNS VISIBILITY - When we rescan, automatically increase the limit, so they can rescan until the missing column shows up * CHANGE - CORE - Blacklist columns that contain a word with +26 characters because they usually are system/private columns that shouldn't be seen nor edited * CHANGE - CORE - Indicate how to increase number of rows per page in the footer of the sheet * CHANGE - CORE - Highlight row that we're editing * FIX - CORE - Sometimes the fixed header jumps/shakes during scroll * FIX - CORE - COLUMNS VISIBILITY - when we scroll to the right, the notification saying "column missing?" is not showing up * FIX - CORE - When many posts have exact same date, sometimes the database returns duplicate posts during pagination because they are sorted by date * FIX - CORE - When saving taxonomy terms that contain + and there is a term with same name except +, the term with + is saved without + = V - 2019-10-18 = * CHANGE - CORE - Allow to define default settings for product attributes (is visible, used for variations) * CHANGE - CORE - View Post column should use the real link for published posts * CHANGE - CORE - Automatic column detection should take the columns limit into consideration (i.e. to avoid scanning thousands of fields if only 100 are allowed) * FIX - CORE - Factory - On rare occasions, the taxonomies sheet shows columns as a post type * FIX - CORE - Factory - Some columns were missing because the sheet initialized twice = V 1.1.0 - 2019-10-01 = * NEW - FORMULAS - Add placeholder: $random_date$ * NEW - WC Products - copy variations - Add option to copy individual variations * NEW - WC Products - Allow editing the "download files" column as plain text * NEW - WC Products - Allow copy pasting the "download files" column * NEW - ACF - Add support for "file" fields * NEW - POSTS TEMPLATES - Add "duplicate" option to the context menu to quickly duplicate rows * NEW - CORE - Add contextual option to auto resize columns based on the content * NEW - WC Products > Bulk Edit - Allow to activate/deactivate "is visible" for product attributes on all products at once * NEW - WC Products > Bulk Edit - Allow to activate/deactivate "is variation" for product attributes on all products at once * NEW - CORE - Added spanish translations * NEW - WC Products - Add contextual menu to create variations for selected row, which opens the create variations modal and auto selects the product * NEW - WC Products - Add contextual menu to copy variations from the selected row, which opens themodal and auto selects the product * NEW - ACF - Add support for gallery field * NEW - FILTERS - Add option to locate column * NEW - CORE - Add contextual option: realign cells * NEW - UNIVERSAL SHEET - IMPORT - Add advanced setting to skip the first N rows, so we can start imports from where we left off * NEW - WC Products - Add "All" option to the dropdown global attributes columns, which automatically selects all the options in the dropdown while saving * NEW - WC Products - Allow to edit the parent product of variations * NEW - WC Products - Add the "product_variation" option to the post types column to convert any product into a variation * CHANGE - CSV Import - Optimize the reading of CSV files to use less memory and read huge files * CHANGE - CUSTOM COLUMNS - Allow spaces and () in the automatic column names * CHANGE - WC Products - Free - Enable columns: 'view_post', 'open_wp_editor', 'post_status', 'post_modified', 'post_date', '_length', '_height', '_width', '_weight', * CHANGE - CORE - When saving images from external URLs, limit the download time to 4 seconds to prevent timeouts when external servers are too slow, throttle, or block our requests * CHANGE - FORMULAS - Don't reduce the calls after every batch, do the same number of batches as initial defined because sometimes it only processed half the rows * CHANGE - WC Products - Indicate why some cells are locked (i.e. columns for variations only or parent products only) * CHANGE - CORE - Add links to tutorials/faqs in all the popups and pages * CHANGE - UNIVERSAL SHEET - IMPORT - STEP 3 - Indicate that fields used for updating existing items must be imported in step 2 * CHANGE - UNIVERSAL SHEET - Upload csv - Detect when the file was uploaded successfully but it wasn't read, and show a notification saying that it wasn't read due to an encoding issue and ask them to verify that * CHANGE - UNIVERSAL SHEET - When import fails, indicate possible solutions * CHANGE - UNIVERSAL SHEET - IMPORT - When there is a data error and the import stops, indicate that the import was stopped and they need to correct the error and import again * CHANGE - FORMULAS - Allow multi-line values in the bulk edits (set value, replace, etc.) * CHANGE - CORE - Revert styles change of locked cells to experiment performance with/without the change * Poner textos en español en el readme.txt de todos los plugins con frases comunes de búsqueda * CHANGE - CORE - Free - make the pro columns more subtle, highlight the cell value * CHANGE - CORE - Show "menu order" column for all post types because some post types use it for unorthodox purposes * CHANGE - SPREADSHEET SETUP - Don't allow to save new custom post types when the custom post types module is not available * CHANGE - CORE - Added internal cache of conversion from friendly terms to IDs to speed up imports and savings * CHANGE - CORE - Added internal cache of conversion from file URLs to file IDs to speed up imports and savings * CHANGE - UNIVERSAL SHEET - Delete old csvs when the sheet loads because the cron job doesn't run on rare server setups * CHANGE - WC Products - When we add attributes and at least one is "allow for variations", automatically set the product as variable * CHANGE - POSTS TEMPLATE - when duplicating posts, don't copy the post date, so the new posts have new dates * CHANGE. UNIVERSAL SHEET. deactivate the rest api by default and add option to settings page to activate manually and add wp filter to activate programmatically * CHANGE - UNIVERSAL SHEET - IMPORT - Add advanced option to auto retry failed batches * CHANGE - UNIVERSAL SHEET - EXPORT - Add indications at the end of the process to answer questions like download didn't start, where to find the file, when are the files deleted. * CHANGE - UNIVERSAL SHEET - EXPORT - Optimize the download of large files to use less memory and start faster * FIX - CORE - Allow saving images with spaces in the URL on the gallery columns * FIX - CORE - Allow saving images from the /wp-content/uploads directory * FIX - FILTERS - Keyword search should search on post title, content, and excerpt * FIX - CORE - When importing terms with hierarchy, don't html encode the hierarchy symbol * FIX - CORE - Media columns - don't attempt to show preview of files that aren't images * FIX - CUSTOM COLUMNS - Post types list doesn't show sheets created with the Factory class * FIX - WC Products > variations - When the "variation enabled" checkbox goes from unchecked to checked, it's not saved * FIX - COLUMNS VISIBILITY - The list of disabled columns didn't show the current name of the columns, it showed the name the columns had when they were deactivated the first time * FIX - CORE - Image cells - Allow to save images containing portuguese characters like "ção" * FIX - WC Products - issue during cache clean up after saving when using WC copy variations - When saving meta data in the copied variations, unserialize to prevent double serialization from WP * FIX - WC Products - Export - Some columns were excluded from the export, when it was a custom field used by variations * FIX - WC Products - EXPORT - Some column headers when exporting attributes are missing because the first line of the file is not read properly * FIX - CORE - SERIALIZED FIELDS - When the field contains a single level and subfields have integers as keys, it only shows the value of the first subfield in the cells and the other subfields appear empty * FIX - WC Products - The internal caches of WC aren't cleared after saving, causing changes not to appear when sites use aggressive cache like wp.com * FIX - WC Products - when we edit global attributes in their own columns and change product type from simple to variable at the same time, automatically set the attribute as "used in variation" * FIX - WC Products > create variations > create for every combination of attributes - PHP warning * FIX - WC Products - When we delete a product completely, we remove the parent row but we should remove the child variation rows as well * FIX - CORE - VIEW column has wrong link when viewing custom post types as draft * FIX - GiveWP - It crashes the site if GiveWP is not installed * FIX. CORE. delete all traces of the plugin on uninstall ------ V 1.0.17 - 2019-09-06 ------ Updated to CORE v2.14.0 ------ V - 2019-08-11 ------ Updated to CORE v2.13.1 ------ V 1.0.16 - 2019-08-08 ------ Updated to CORE v2.13.0 ------ V 1.0.15 - 2019-07-02 ------ Updated to CORE v2.12.0 ------ V 1.0.13 - 2019-05-28 ------ Updated to CORE v2.11.3 ------ V 1.0.12 - 2019-05-27 ------ Updated to CORE v2.11.2 ------ V 1.0.11 - 2019-04-23 ------ Updated to CORE v2.11.1 ------ V 1.0.10 - 2019-04-17 ------ Updated to CORE v2.11.0 ------ V 1.0.9 - 2019-03-01 ------ Updated to CORE v2.10.0 Updated to freemius v2.2.4. ------ V 1.0.8 - 2019-02-13 ------ Updated to CORE v2.9.2 ------ V 1.0.7 - 2019-02-09 ------ Updated to CORE v2.9.1 ------ V 1.0.6 - 2019-02-05 ------ Updated to CORE v2.9.0 ------ V 1.0.5 - 2019-01-21 ------ Updated to CORE v2.8.2 ------ V 1.0.4 - 2019-01-18 ------ Updated to CORE v2.8.1 ------ V 1.0.3 - 2019-01-16 ------ Added support for CORE v2.8.0 ------ V 1.0.2 - 2018-12-20 ------ Added compatibility with CORE v2.7.0 ------ V 1.0.1 - 2018-12-07 ------ Added compatibility with CORE v2.6.0 ------ V 1.0.0 - 2018-11-05 ------ Initial release.