Why is my user account panel not showing my license or subscription?

We use a third-party platform named Freemius as our payment processor and licensing provider. Freemius provides a user account panel where you can manage your license, payments, subscriptions, and more.
You can access the user account panel for our store by clicking on the link “Account” in our top menu.

However, there are hundreds or thousands of companies using Freemius and they have their own user panels for their stores. So if you log in to a user account panel and you don’t see information related to our plugins, it’s very likely that:
a) You are in the wrong user account panel. Maybe you are seeing your account for a different store unrelated to our plugins.
b) Maybe you logged in with the wrong Freemius account. You might have multiple accounts if you have purchased our plugins with different email addresses or if you have purchased plugins from other businesses with different email addresses.

In any case, feel free to contact us using our live chat or contact form, and we’ll be happy to verify your account and help you perform any action, like cancelling renewals, help you manage your license, and more.

Do you need help?

You can receive instant help in the live chat during business hours, or you can contact us and we will help you via email.