Ultimate Member – Bulk Edit Member Directories in a Spreadsheet

Managing member directories created with the Ultimate Member plugin can be hard and time-consuming. But in this guide, we will show you how to bulk edit member directories using a spreadsheet on WordPress.

The hard way: Manual editing

As you know, Ultimate Member allows you to create multiple member directories. But if you want to apply changes to the member directories, you have to manually open each directory and edit them one by one. This makes you have to open many browser tabs, many clicks, and so on.

This is what you’d normally see when managing your member directories.

bulk edit Ultimate Member directories

The easy way: Using WP Sheet Editor

The WP Sheet Editor plugin allows you to manage your Ultimate Member directories in a spreadsheet format, which is a total game-changer for your member directory management.

It’s just like working in Excel or Google Sheets, but directly on your WordPress site. You can see all your member directories in one place, and you can quickly make changes to multiple directories at once.

bulk edit Ultimate Member directories

Here are some BENEFITS of managing your Ultimate Member directories:

  • Powerful bulk editor: You can update hundreds of member directories with a few clicks. Select the rows you want to edit, make your changes, and boom—you’re done.
  • Easy filtering and sorting: If you need to find specific member directories, you can use any field of your member directories as a search filter. You can search for directories by view type, user roles to display, date created, members per page, etc.
  • Custom fields: If you have added custom fields to your Ultimate Member directories, you can manage those custom fields as columns in the spreadsheet.
  • Import/Export: You can import and export your member directories data using CSV files. This is great if you need to share the data with someone else, move it to another site, or just create a backup in a CSV file.
  • Easy duplicates: You can create hundreds of copies of specific directories by creating duplicates. You can use a master member directory and just modify the copies to save a lot of time creating new directories.
  • Add new directories in the spreadsheet: If you want to create new directories using the spreadsheet, you just need to add the number of directories you want to add and click on Add new. Also, you can create new directories from a CSV file by importing the data as new.
  • Rename, sort, enable/disable columns: If you want to customize the spreadsheet, you can change column names, sort columns the way you want, enable or disable columns, etc.

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