Bulk Edit WordPress Users (Advanced Search, Export, Import)

Some WordPress sites have hundreds or thousands of users. When this happens, managing users can become tedious, time-consuming, and inefficient. That’s why, we want to introduce you to the best way to bulk edit WordPress users. You’ll be able to bulk manage user profiles, create users in bulk, search for users using advanced filters, export users to a CSV file, and import user profiles from a CSV file.


Instead of managing WordPress users the old way, you’ll be able to view and bulk manage your WordPress user profiles in a beautiful spreadsheet that will simplify user management and boost your productivity.

Install and activate WP Sheet Editor – WordPress Users

You can get the premium version of WP Sheet Editor – WordPress Users by clicking on the button below.

You can download the plugin here:

Download WordPress Users Spreadsheet Plugin - or - Check the features

After completing the payment process, you will get a zip file that you need to install as a plugin on your website.

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New Plugin.
  2. Click on Upload plugin.
  3. Click on Choose file.
  4. Locate the file on your computer.
  5. Click on Install now.
  6. Click on Activate plugin.
  7. Enter your license and click on Activate License.

After installing and activating the plugin, go to WP Sheet Editor > Edit users to open the spreadsheet.

Customize the users’ spreadsheet

You can customize the spreadsheet by sorting, displaying or hiding columns. To do this, you need to open the Columns manager.


Once in the Columns manager, you can move the columns to the left or right in order to enable or disable them from the spreadsheet.

You can also drag the columns top or button to sort them. Besides, you can click on the Edit button to rename the columns, click on the “X” button to delete the columns completely, etc.


Once you’re done customizing the spreadsheet columns, you can save the settings for future sessions. Just add a name for this group of columns and click on Apply settings.


Advanced search for WordPress users

WP Sheet Editor contains an advanced Search tool that allows you to filter WordPress users using any field as a search parameter.


Let’s consider some advanced search examples:

a) Search users by role

If you want to search for users by user role, you need to select these values in the Search tool:

  • Role: Select the role here. In this example, we will select the Subscriber role.
  • Click on Run search.


Once you run the search, you’ll see all the user profiles with the selected user role displayed in the spreadsheet. In this example, we have filtered all the users with the Subscriber user role.


b) Search for users by billing / shipping country, state, city, zip code

WP Sheet Editor allows you to search for users using billing or shipping information. For example, you can search for users by billing country, billing state, billing city, billing zip code, as well as by shipping country, shipping state, shipping city, shipping zip code.

In this example, we will search or users by billing country. To do this, you need to select the following values in the Search tool:

  • Enable advanced filters: Yes
  • Field: Billing country
  • Operator: =
  • Value: Select the country here.
  • Click on Run search.


After running the search, all the users matching the selected search terms will be displayed in the spreadsheet.


c) Search for paying customers

If you want to know which of your users are paying customers, you can search for them by selecting these values in the search tool:

  • Enable advanced filters: Yes
  • Field: Paying Customer
  • Operator: =
  • Value: Yes
  • Click on Run search.


As you can see, we have filtered all the paying customers and they’ve been displayed in the spreadsheet.


d) Search for specific users by email, login, nicename, display name

To search for specific users by email, login, nicename, or display name, you can select these values in the search tool:

  • Search in user email, login, nicename, display name: You can add any of these parameters here.
  • Click on Run search.


Once the search is complete, you’ll see the user(s) matching the search filters displayed in the spreadsheet.


e) Search for users who have bought specific WooCommerce products

If you want to know which users have purchased specific products from your WooCommerce store, you can search for them using these values in the search tool:

  • Find customers who bought these products: Enter the product(s) here.
  • Select any of these options:
    • Bought all the products selected
    • Bought at least one product selected
    • Bought only the products selected
  • Click on Run search.


By selecting these values, you’ll be able to search for the users who purchased specific WooCommerce products.


f) Search for customers who have not placed any orders

Since you can search for users by user role, we can search for all users with the Customer role and orders count = 0:

  • Role: Customer
  • Enable advanced filters: Yes
  • Field: Orders count
  • Operator: =
  • Value: 0
  • Click on Run search.


As you can see below, we have filtered all the customers missing orders.


Quickly editing WordPress users in the spreadsheet

You can quickly edit your WordPress users using the spreadsheet. Something really useful is that, besides editing the cells just as you would do it in Excel or Google Sheets, you can edit the cells according to the field type.

For example, drop-down fields will display the options you have to select any option.


The checkbox fields allow you to check or uncheck the checkbox.


And in all fields you can autofill downwards, just as you would do it in Excel or Google Sheets.


Bulk edit WordPress users (hundreds at once)

If you want to bulk modify your WordPress users, you can do it using the Bulk Edit tool, which allows you to edit any field on hundreds of user profiles.

This tool allows you to edit all the users, only the users from a specific search, or only the users that you have manually selected in the spreadsheet.

bulk edit wordpress users

Let’s see two examples of bulk changes you can apply to your WordPress users:

Example 1: Bulk send emails to users

For this example, we have filtered all users who have not registered any order in our WooCommerce store.

Since they have not placed any orders, we will send them all an email, telling them that they can get a 15% discount on all products in the store.

Normally, to do this you would need other plugins, but with WP Sheet Editor you can do it easily. This allows you to segment your marketing campaigns, alerts, email notifications etc. You can segment emails by user role, total orders, billing/shipping country, etc.

You need to select these values in the Bulk Edit tool:

  • Select the rows that you want to update: Edit all the rows from my current search
  • What field do you want to edit: Email
  • Select type of edit: Send email

bulk edit wordpress users

  • Email subject: Add the email subject here.
  • Email message: Write the email message here.
  • Reply to: Add an email address to show in “reply to”.
  • Only send one email per email address: You have two options here: 1) Send one email per user and 2) Send one email per row.
  • Click on Execute Now.

bulk edit wordpress users

Example 2: Bulk delete users

If you want to bulk delete users, you can select these values in the Bulk Edit tool:

  • Select the rows that you want to update: Edit all the rows from my current search
  • What field do you want to edit: Status
  • Select type of edit: Set value
  • Replace existing value with this value: Delete
  • Click on Execute Now.

bulk edit wordpress users

These are just two of hundreds of bulk edits you can apply to your WordPress user profiles.

Bulk edit WordPress users offline (export and import CSV)

With WP Sheet Editor‘s export and import tools, you can export users to a CSV file, bulk edit them in a spreadsheet, and automatically import the changes back to your WordPress site. Let’s see how to do it.

a) Export WordPress users to CSV file

If you want to download your WordPress users’ data to a CSV file, you can start by opening the Export tool.

wordpress export users to csv

Once you’re in the Export tool, you need to select these values:

  • Which columns do you want to export: Select the columns you want to export. You can export all active columns, all columns (both active and inactive columns), or specific columns by typing the column names in the box.
  • Which rows do you want to export: You can export all the users from a specific search or all the users that you manually selected in the spreadsheet.
  • What app will you use to edit this file: You can select any of these options:
    • Microsoft Excel (Office 365)
    • Google Sheets
    • Older versions of Microsoft Excel
    • Other
  • Name of this export: You can add a name for this export, and when later you hover the mouse over the Export tool, you’ll be able to reuse these export settings.
  • Click on Start new export.

wordpress export users to csv

b) Bulk edit users in Excel or Google Sheets

Once you have exported your WordPress users to a CSV file, you’ll be able to bulk update users data using any CSV editor like Excel, Google Sheets and any other.

wordpress export users to csv and bulk edit in spreadsheet

c) Import WordPress users from CSV

After bulk editing WordPress users in a CSV file, you can import the changes back to your WordPress site.

To do this, you need to start by opening the Import tool.

wordpress import users from csv

After opening the Import tool, you need to select the CSV file you will upload:

  • Source: CSV file from my computer
  • Click on Choose File.
  • Locate the CSV file on your computer.
  • Upload the file.
  • Click on Next.

wordpress import users from csv

You’ll have two options to select the columns you want to import:

  • Import all the columns
  • Select individual columns to import

wordpress import users from csv

Now you need to select if you want to update and/or create items:

  • Do you want to update or create items: There are four options here:
    • Create new items and update existing items
    • Import all the rows as new
    • Update existing items, ignore new items
    • Ignore existing items, create new items
  • If you select any option that involves updating existing items, you need to match the data using a field as a unique identifier. We recommend using the record_id/ID field.
  • Click on Next.

wordpress import users from csv

You’ll see a preview, and if everything is OK, you need to click on The preview is fine, start import.

Tip: If you want to avoid sending welcome emails when creating users, you can install the Disable emails plugin before the import.

wordpress import users from csv

WP Sheet Editor allows you to bulk manage WordPress user profiles in a spreadsheet. It simplifies your users’ management and boosts your productivity.

You can quickly edit user profiles in the spreadsheet, bulk edit users with the bulk editor, and bulk update users offline by exporting the users’ data to a CSV file, editing the files using any CSV editor software, and importing the changes back into WordPress.

If you want to read more tutorials on how to bulk manage WordPress users, click here.

You can download the plugin here:

Download WordPress Users Spreadsheet Plugin - or - Check the features

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You can receive instant help in the live chat during business hours, or you can contact us and we will help you via email.