How to Export WooCommerce Customers to Google Sheets

Let’s see how to export WooCommerce customers to Google Sheets. You’ll be able to sync WooCommerce customers with Google Sheets by connecting your WordPress site to your Google Sheets account and exporting customers data once, in recurring intervals, in real time, etc.

What you need to export customers to Google Sheets

In order to export your WooCommerce customers from WordPress to Google Sheets, you need these elements:

1- WP Sheet Editor – WooCommerce Customers

This plugin allows you to view and manage your WooCommerce customers data in an intuitive spreadsheet inside WordPress. It contains advanced search tools, a powerful bulk editor, as well as export and import tools designed to boost your productivity.

The best part is that with this spreadsheet you can not only view and manage customers, but all users of your WordPress site, with any user role.

2- Google Sheets Sync service

Our Google Sheets Sync service allows you to connect your WordPress site to your Google Sheets account, and export or import any data that you manage with WP Sheet Editor spreadsheets. It works with pages, posts, custom post types, products, orders, coupons, events, customers, downloads, etc.

You can sign up to the service here:

Sign up to the Google Sheets Sync Service - or - Check the features

You need to follow these steps in order to export your WooCommerce customers’ data to Google Sheets.

Step 1. Connect WordPress to Google Sheets

When you sign up to the Google Sheets Sync service, you’ll get a helper plugin that will allow you to connect your WordPress site to your Google Sheets account, to the Google API, and to the WP Sheet Editor API.

Follow this guide to do it.

Step 2. Search for users with the “Customer” role

Since the spreadsheet will display all user roles, we need to search for all the users with the customer role in order to export the customers only.

Go to WP Sheet Editor > Edit customers.

You’ll see a spreadsheet containing all your WordPress users’ data.

export woocommerce customers to google sheets

Start by opening the Search tool in order to filter your WooCommerce customers.

Search for users with the "Customer" role

Select these values in the Search tool:

  • Role: Customer
  • Click on Run search.

Search for users with the "Customer" role

Once you run the search, you’ll see all your WooCommerce customers displayed in the spreadsheet. You can see the active search filters displayed above the spreadsheet, and check the contents of the “Role” column.

Search for users with the "Customer" role

Step 3. Export WooCommerce customers to Google Sheets

After filtering all WooCommerce customers in the spreadsheet, you can open the Export tool in order to export your WooCommerce customers to Google Sheets.

export woocommerce customers to google sheets

Select these values in the Export tool:

  • What columns do you want to export: You can select all the active columns, all the columns, or specific columns only.
  • Which rows do you want to export: All the columns from my current search
  • What app will you use to edit this file: Google Sheets
  • Name of this export (optional): You can add a name for this export, and that will be the name of the Google Sheets file that will be created.

export woocommerce customers to google sheets

Once the export process is complete, you’ll see the View Google Sheet link, which you can click to open the Google Sheet that was generated with this export.

export woocommerce customers to google sheets

As you can see, we have exported our WooCommerce customers to Google Sheets.

export woocommerce customers to google sheets

Optional – Select an existing Google Sheets file

If you have previously exported your WooCommerce customers to Google Sheets, you can select a specific Google Sheet to export and add the data to it.

To do this, you need to select these values:

  • Tick the Advanced Google Sheets options checkbox
  • Select the existing Google Sheet in Select an existing Google Sheet below.

sync woocommerce customers with google sheets

Optional – Schedule this export to run in the future

If you do not want to run this export right now, you can schedule it to run automatically in the future, at a date and time of your choice.

To do this, you need to select these values in the export tool:

  • Tick the Run this in the future checkbox
  • Select the date and time when you want this export to run
  • Add an email address in the Notify this email address when the process finishes field
  • Select the Run once option
  • Click on Start new export to schedule this one time export

sync woocommerce customers with google sheets

Optional – Schedule recurring exports

Our Google Sheets Sync service also allows you to schedule recurring exports of WooCommerce customers to Google Sheets.

You can schedule the export to run automatically every a certain number of minutes, hours, days, weeks or months.

In addition, you can select whether you want the recurring export to be incremental, which means that only new data created since the last recurring interval will be added.

To do this, you need to select these values:

  • Tick the Run this in the future checkbox
  • Select the date and time when you want this export to run
  • Add an email address in the Notify this email address when the process finishes field
  • Select the Run in recurring intervals option
  • Select the recurrence in Run every and the time unit (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months)
  • Optional – Tick the Make incremental exports checkbox
  • Click on Start new export to schedule this recurring export

sync woocommerce customers with google sheets

Optional – Sync WooCommerce customers with Google Sheets in real time

If you want your WooCommerce customers’ data to be exported as they are added or edited, you can schedule a real-time export.

Our service allows you to schedule real-time exports from WordPress to Google Sheets or bidirectional. If you select export from WordPress to Google Sheets, only the Google Sheet will be updated when data is added or changed on WordPress. But if you select bidirectional export, data will be updated both ways: from WP to Google Sheets and from Google Sheets to WP.

You can select these values in the export tool:

  • Tick the Run this in the future checkbox
  • Select the date and time when you want this export to run
  • Add an email address in the Notify this email address when the process finishes field
  • Select the Real time sync option
  • Type of sync: Select any of these options:
    • WordPress to Google Sheets
    • Bidirectional
  • What column should be used as an identifier: To make sure you’re exporting the data to the right rows, you need to select an identifier. In this case, we recommend using the customers’ ID (record_id).
  • Click on Start new export to schedule this real time sync

sync woocommerce customers with google sheets

The WP Sheet Editor plugin and the Google Sheets Sync service allow you to easily export your WooCommerce customers from WordPress to Google Sheets. You can run the exports immediately, or you can schedule the exports to run once, in recurring intervals, or in real time.

Do you need help?

You can receive instant help in the live chat during business hours, or you can contact us and we will help you via email.