How to see taxonomies like categories and tags with a drop down menu

By default, our spreadsheet lets you edit taxonomies like categories and tags in the format of a regular cell, where you enter the term names separated with commas.

But sometimes you might want to use a dropdown menu to choose the terms from instead; to do that, you can go to Settings > Advanced Settings > Customize Features > Enable the fancy taxonomy terms selector.


This is how it will look:

fancy taxonomy selector 2



  • The fancy Taxonomy Selector doesn’t allow you to copy/cut/paste in those cells.
  • This can impact performance significantly if you have thousands of categories, tags, or product attributes; because we must generate the dropdown with thousands of items which increases the page size and it will use more server memory.
  • If you activate this option, make sure that you hide all the taxonomy columns that you’re not using to reduce the impact on erformance.
  • The default column format (text with an autocomplete dropdown based on a search keyword) provides better performance because we don’t have to generate dropdowns with thousands of items on big sites.

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