Ultimate Member – Bulk Edit Member Profiles in a Spreadsheet

Ultimate Member is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create member directories on your WordPress site, but editing member profiles manually is difficult. That’s why, in this tutorial, we will show you how to bulk edit member profiles using a spreadsheet interface on WordPress. You’ll be able to save a lot of time editing thousands of member profiles with a few clicks.

To do this, we will use the WP Sheet Editor – WordPress Users plugin, which allows you to view and manage your WordPress user profiles in a spreadsheet on WordPress. You can edit users’ data in the spreadsheet, bulk update hundreds of profiles at once, use any field as a search filter, export users’ data to a CSV file, and import users’ data using CSV files.

You can download the plugin here:

Download WordPress Users Spreadsheet Plugin - or - Check the features

Install WP Sheet Editor – WordPress Users

After completing the payment process, you will get a zip file that you need to install as a plugin on your website.

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New Plugin.
  2. Click on Upload plugin.
  3. Click on Choose file.
  4. Locate the file on your computer.
  5. Click on Install now.
  6. Click on Activate plugin.
  7. Enter your license and click on Activate License.

After installing and activating the plugin, go to WP Sheet Editor > Edit users to open the spreadsheet.

You will see all your WordPress user profiles displayed on the spreadsheet.

Ultimate Member - Bulk Edit Member Profiles in a Spreadsheet

Search for members by user role or by form ID

If you have created a new user role for your Ultimate Member profiles, you can search for users using the Role field as a search filter.

Start by opening the Search tool.

Search for members by user role or by form ID

Now you need to select these values in the Search tool:

  • Role: Select the user role.
  • Click on Run search.

Search for members by user role or by form ID

As you can see, the user profiles have been filtered by user role and displayed in the spreadsheet.

Search for members by user role or by form ID

If you want to search for users who signed up using a specific Ultimate Member form, you need to tick the Enable advanced filters checkbox and select these values:

  • Field: Form ID
  • Operator: =
  • Value: Enter the form ID.

Now click on Run search.

Search for members by user role or by form ID

As you can see, our member profiles have been filtered by form ID and displayed in the spreadsheet.

Search for members by user role or by form ID

Bulk edit Ultimate Member profiles

The Bulk Edit tool allows you to apply changes to multiple member profiles. In this case, we will show you the values you need to select if you want to bulk delete member profiles.

Start by opening the Bulk Edit tool.

Bulk edit Ultimate Member profiles

Now you need to select these values in the bulk edit tool:

  • Select the rows that you want to update: Edit all the rows from my current search
  • What field do you want to edit: Status
  • Select type of edit: Set value
  • Replace existing value with this value: Delete
  • Click on Execute Now.

Bulk edit Ultimate Member profiles

This is just an example of how to bulk edit your Ultimate Member profiles, but you can apply any other change to any other field. Bulk updating profiles will help you save a lot of time and boost your productivity.

How to export Ultimate Member profiles to a CSV file

You can export your Ultimate Member profiles’ data to CSV files.

Start by opening the Export tool.

How to export Ultimate Member profiles to a CSV file

Once you’re in the Export tool, you need to select these values in order to export your Ultimate Member profiles:

  • What columns do you want to export: Select the columns/fields you want to export.
  • Which rows do you want to export: All the rows from my current search.
  • What app will you use to edit this file: In this example, we will select Microsoft Excel (Office 365)
  • Name of this export: You can add a name and reuse these settings in the future.
  • Click on Start new export.

How to export Ultimate Member profiles to a CSV file

This is what the data looks like in Excel once the export is completed.

How to export Ultimate Member profiles to a CSV file

How to import Ultimate Member profiles from a CSV file

If you have edited existing member profiles or want to create new profiles using a CSV file, you can import the data into WordPress.

You need to start by clicking on Import.

How to import Ultimate Member profiles from a CSV file

Now you need to select the following values in the Import tool:

  • Source: CSV file from my computer.
  • Click on Choose File and locate the CSV on your computer.
  • Click on Next.

How to import Ultimate Member profiles from a CSV file

You can Import all the columns or Select individual columns to import.

How to import Ultimate Member profiles from a CSV file

Now you have to select if you want to import all the rows as new, create new rows and update existing rows, only create or only update.

If you select any option to update existing rows, you need to match the data in the CSV with the data on WordPress using any field as an identifier.

How to import Ultimate Member profiles from a CSV file

Finally you’ll see a preview. If everything is OK, you need to click on The preview is fine, start import.

How to import Ultimate Member profiles from a CSV file

As you can see, bulk managing Ultimate Member profiles is easy with the WP Sheet Editor – WordPress Users plugin.

You can download the plugin here:

Download WordPress Users Spreadsheet Plugin - or - Check the features

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