Broken images can be a problem. They affect your readers’ or website visitors’ experience. For example, it can be problematic if you write tutorials and want to show your readers how to do things through screenshots. If the images are broken, your readers won’t be able to see directions.
Of course, that’s just an example, but broken images are troublesome in any context.
Therefore, we want to show you how to find all broken images with missing files in your server. You’ll do it quickly using a CSV file you’ll export in seconds from WordPress. Just follow these simple steps.
1- Install the “Media Library Spreadsheet” plugin
This plugin displays all your media library files on a spreadsheet. You can quickly apply changes to hundreds of files at once using the Bulk Edit tool, or you can make advanced searches using the Search tool. Therefore, you can save hundreds of hours managing your media library.
You can download the plugin here: Download Media Library Spreadsheet Plugin - or - Check the features
Once installed and activated, you just need to go to Sheet Editor > Edit Media to open it.
2- Open the “Search” tool
The Search tool will help you filter your files by format. The spreadsheet shows you all types of media files such as videos, zip files, images, etc. Therefore, you need to filter the images only in this case.
The tool is located on the plugin’s toolbar, so just click on it.
3- Filter all the images
Once you open the search tool, you need to tick the Enable advanced filters and select the following values to filter all your images.
- Field key: Format
- Value: image
Then, just click on Run search to filter all your images.
Now, all your images will be filtered and displayed on the spreadsheet. You’re ready to export all your images to a CSV file to edit them on Excel or Google Sheets.
4- Export all your images to a CSV file
On the top toolbar you can see the following options: Settings, Help, Extensions, Export, Import, My license. Therefore, you just need to click on Export to open the tool.
Now, select these values to export your images to a CSV file.
- Click on Select all to select all columns to export.
- Tick the I understand it will export the posts from my current search
- Tick the I will edit this file with Microsoft Excel.
- Click on Start new export.
5- Sort your images to see the ones missing file in the server
Once you have your CSV file exported, you can open it either with Excel or Google Sheets.
Just go to the Local file exists column, and the sort it A to Z. There, you’ll see how the images without files.
6- Done!
Now you can select all those images and upload them to WordPress or even delete them all from your server. It was really fast and easy, right? You’ll save lots of hours.