WordPress – Search Posts without YouTube Videos in the Content

Promoting your content is really important. And your WordPress blog is a great tool from which you can attract views for your channel. It is possible that you have already inserted videos in some of your posts, but there are many posts that do not have videos in your blog.

That represents a great opportunity to promote your content, and now we want to show you how to find all your posts without YouTube videos in their content. So you can quickly find and edit them.

It just takes these simple steps.

1- Install the “Posts, Pages, and Custom Post Types Spreadsheet” plugin

This plugin makes it easy for you. You can edit hundreds of posts or pages at once with its powerful Bulk Edit tool. Plus, you can do advanced searches in seconds.

Once installed and activated, you need to go to Sheet Editor > Edit Posts to open the spreadsheet.


2- Open the “Search” tool to filter your posts

Normally, if you want to know which of your posts have no video in their content, you would have to open them one by one. However, with the Search tool you can find hundreds of products quickly. It’s on the plugin’s toolbar, so just click on it.


3- Filter all your posts without YouTube videos in their content

Once you’ve opened the Search tool, you just need to tick the Enable advanced filters checkbox and select the following values in order to quickly find all your posts without YouTube videos in their content.


  • Field key: Content (post_content)
  • Operator: NOT CONTAINS
  • Value: Here you can enter a specific video URL or you can just insert this: https://www.youtube.com/watch. That will filter all your videos without YouTube links on them.

Finally, click on Run search to filter all your posts without YouTube videos.

4- See your filtered posts on the spreadsheet

After applying these simple search fields, the plugin will filter all your posts without YouTube videos on the spreadsheet. Now you can start editing them quickly.


That was really simple. You can do these and many other advanced filters and apply changes to thousands of posts in seconds with the Posts, Pages, and Custom Post Types Spreadsheet plugin.

Do you need help?

You can receive instant help in the live chat during business hours, or you can contact us and we will help you via email.