How to Delete WooCommerce Coupons Quickly – Thousands at once

Imagine your client asks you to delete thousands of WooCommerce coupons, but he doesn’t just ask you to delete them all.

Instead, he asks you delete all coupons containing a specific keyword, or coupons uploaded on a specific date. That can be hard without any help… But don’t worry!

In this quick tutorial, we’re going to show you how easy it is to delete thousands of WooCommerce coupons using the WP Sheet Editor Coupons plugin. This plugin allows you to apply lots of changes to thousands of products with just a few clicks.

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Text Guide

Follow these simple steps to delete coupons in bulk.

Step 1: Install the WP Sheet Editor Coupons plugin

This plugin helps you make changes on hundreds of coupons at once and helps you manage them in a beautiful spreadsheet.

*You can skip this step if you have the plugin installed and activated.


This spreadsheet contains these tools in the toolbar:

  • Add new – This button helps you create new coupons in the spreadsheet.
  • Search – With this tool, you can search specific coupons using different search terms.
  • Bulk Edit – This is a powerful tool that helps you apply changes to thousands of coupons at once.
  • Duplicate – This button helps you create hundreds of copies out of a coupon.
  • Locate cell – Here you can enter a specific cell content and it will take you right to that cell.

Step 2: Search the coupons you want to edit


To search the coupons you want to edit, you need to open the Bulk Edit tool.

It is located in the toolbar, so just click it to open it.


Once you open the tool, you need to select the I want to search rows to update option in the Select the rows that you want to update dropdown.

This button will open a search tool that will allow you to filter your products in several ways.


The Search tool contains the following fields:

  • Contains keyword – Use this field if you want to look for all coupons containing a specific keyword.
  • Status – Here you can select between published and draft coupons.
  • Enable advanced filters – This checkbox opens advanced filters to search for your coupons.
  • Run search – This button is to filter your coupons according to the terms of the search you’ve selected.

Here you only need to choose a search method and run it.

For example, you could look for all coupons containing a specific keyword, so you just have to enter the keyword in the Contains keyword field and hit Run search.

After that, it’ll take you back to the Bulk Edit.

Step 3: Delete the coupons you’ve selected


In the Bulk Edit tool, you need to set these values in the fields in order to change delete the coupons:

  • Select the rows that you want to update: I want to search rows to update
  • What field do you want to edit: Status
  • Select type of edit: Set value
  • Replace existing value with this value: Delete completely


Now your coupons will be removed from your WooCommerce store. Applying this and many other changes is a piece of cake with the WP Sheet Editor Coupons Spreadsheet plugin.

Do you need help?

You can receive instant help in the live chat during business hours, or you can contact us and we will help you via email.