WP Job Manager – How to Import, Export, and Bulk Edit in Minutes

WP Job Manager is a great plugin that allows us to create job listings. It’s great if you want to create an online employment platform.

However, when it comes to importing, exporting and bulk editing info, we don’t have any good option. But don’t worry. The Posts, Pages, and Custom Post Types Spreadsheet plugin allows you to do that and many other things in minutes.

Let us show you how to do it by following these steps.

Install the plugin

Video Guide

Text Guide

Set up the spreadsheet

After installing the plugin, you need to set up the spreadsheet to start using it. But it’s really simple. You just need to go to Sheet Editor > Setup spreadsheet.


Select the Jobs post type, scroll down, and click Save to generate the spreadsheet.


Now you’ll see all the available columns. So when you choose the columns to add to the spreadsheet, click on Save and the spreadsheet will open.



You’ll see the spreadsheet containing all your jobs with their complete information.


Here we show you how to export, import and bulk edit your job listings’ information.

1- Export job listings

To export your job listings to a CSV file, you need to first open the Export tool. It’s on the top toolbar, so just click on it.


You need to select the columns you’ll export.


  • We’ll click on Select all to export all columns.
  • Now just tick the I understand it will export the posts from my current search
  • Next, you can tick the I will edit this file with Microsoft Excel checkbox, but it’s optional.
  • Finally, click on Start new export to download the CSV file containing all your job listings to your computer.

Once you download the CSV file, you can edit it using Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. For example, you can change the values in the Job Types column. You can convert all your jobs into Full Time.


Now just save the changes, and you’ll be ready to import it to Sheet Editor.

2- Import job listings

To import your job listings, click on Import on the top toolbar in Sheet Editor.


You need to select the CSV file from your computer.

  • Source: CSV file from my computer
  • Click on Choose file and select the file from your computer
  • Click on Next


Now just click on Import all the columns.


In the Do you want to update or create items dropdown, select the Update existing items, ignore new items option.

After that, you need to match the info in the CSV file and the info on WordPress. For that, select these values:

  • Field 1: CSV Field: record_id
  • Field 1: WordPress Field: ID

After matching the fields, click on Next.


Finally, just click on The preview is fine, start import, and your info will be imported.


As you can see, all our rows have been updated to the Full Time value in the Job types column.

3- Bulk Edit job listings

You can quickly bulk edit your job listings. For that, you need to first open the Bulk Edit tool. It’s on the toolbar, so open it with one click.


You can filter your job listings in minutes. For that, select the I want to search rows to update option in the Select the rows that you want to update dropdown. This will open an advanced search tool.


For example, you can filter all the jobs containing the Editor keyword in their titles. For that, just enter that keyword in the Contains keyword field and click on Run search. That will filter all your job listings and take you back to the Bulk Edit tool.


Here we show you two bulk edit options.

a) Edit the job expiry date for all jobs filtered

Select these values to edit the job expiry dates for all the jobs you’ve filtered.


  • Select the rows that you want to update: I want to search rows to update
  • What field do you want to edit: job expires
  • Select type of edit: Set value
  • Replace existing value with this value: Enter the date using this format YYYY-MM-DD
  • Click on I have a database backup, Execute now

After that, you’ll see how the dates will be updated in all the jobs you filtered. In this case we have just three, but you could have 100 or even 1,000 and the plugin will update them all.


b) Edit the job types for all jobs filtered

You need to select these values if you want to bulk edit the job types for all jobs filtered.


  • Select the rows that you want to update: I want to search rows to update
  • What field do you want to edit: Job types
  • Select type of edit: Set value
  • Replace existing value with this value: Part Time ( Job Types ), for example.
  • Click on I have a database backup, Execute now

Now all your jobs filtered will be updated. In this case, all of them will be changed into Part Time jobs.


Don’t lose time anymore!

The integration between WP Job Manager and the Posts, Pages, and Custom Post Types Spreadsheet plugin is great. You can save a lot of time editing a lot of job listings in minutes or even seconds.

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