Easy Digital Downloads – Search for Discount Codes by Minimum Amount

In this guide, we’ll show you how to search for Easy Digital Downloads discount codes by minimum amount.

The Minimum Amount field in Easy Digital Downloads discount codes allows you to set the minimum order total required in order to apply the discount at checkout.

For example, you may need to find all discount codes that apply only if the order total is under or over a certain amount.

Unfortunately, Easy Digital Downloads does not allow you to search for your discount codes using the minimum amount field as a search parameter.

That’s why we will use WP Sheet Editor – Custom Tables plugin, which generates a spreadsheet editor for each custom table in your database.

This plugin allows you to bulk edit any field for hundreds of discount coupons, use any field as a search parameter, export discount codes to a CSV file, and import codes from CSV files.

Follow these steps to search for your Easy Digital Downloads discount codes by minimum amount:

1. Open the discount codes spreadsheet

For this, you’ll have to go to WP Sheet Editor > Edit custom database tables, where you can open the Edit WP Edd Adjustments spreadsheet.

open discounts edd spreadsheet

After setting up the spreadsheet, you’ll see all the discount codes displayed on it.

edd discounts spreadsheet

2. Open the Search tool to filter your discount codes

WP Sheet Editor’s Search tool allows you to perform advanced searches with a few clicks. You can use any field as a search parameter and find your discount codes by:

  • Minimum amount
  • Keyword
  • Max uses
  • Discount type
  • Discount amount
  • Etc.

You can find it in the plugin’s toolbar.

open search tool to filter by minimum amount

3. Search for EDD discount codes by minimum amount

Once you open the Search tool, you need to select the following values to find all your EDD discount codes by minimum amount.

a) Filter all your EDD discount codes with a specific minimum amount

  • Field: Min Charge Amount
  • Operator: =
  • Value: Here you need to enter the minimum order total.
  • Once you select the values, hit Run search.

search edd discounts by min amount only

After executing the search, all discount codes with the selected minimum amount will be filtered.

min charge amount edd discount

b) Search for all your EDD discount codes with the selected amount or higher

  • Field: Min Charge Amount
  • Operator: >=
  • Value: Here you need to enter the minimum order total.
  • Once you select the values, hit Run search.

search edd discounts by min amount

Once you run the search, all the discount codes with the selected minimum amount or higher will be filtered and displayed on the spreadsheet.

edd min amount search result

c) Find all your EDD discount codes by minimum amount and amount type

  • Field: Min Charge Amount
  • Operator: >=
  • Value: Here you need to enter the minimum order total.
  • Add New: This will add a new search field
  • Field: Amount Type
  • Operator: =
  • Value: Enter “percent” or “flat”
  • Once you select the values, hit Run search.

min amount and type search

After running the search, all discount codes with the selected minimum amount or higher that are percentage discounts will be filtered and displayed in the spreadsheet.

min amount and type result

As you see, it’s really simple to find EDD discount coupons by minimum amount and combine this with other advanced searches. WP Sheet Editor – Custom Tables make it simple for you.

Do you need help?

You can receive instant help in the live chat during business hours, or you can contact us and we will help you via email.