Iconic Attribute Swatches – How to Bulk Edit Attribute Fees in WooCommerce

Hi there. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to bulk edit attribute fees in WooCommerce. As most Iconic Attribute Swatches users may know, the plugin allows you to add a fee to each product attribute. And we’ll show you how to bulk update those attribute fees using an intuitive bulk editor inside WordPress.

Normally, if you want to add or edit the attribute fees, you’d have to open and edit the products individually, and that would take considerable time. However, with the WP Sheet Editor – WooCommerce Products plugin, you can bulk update hundreds of products with a few clicks. It’s been designed to bring all the benefits of spreadsheets into your WooCommerce products management.

Follow these simple steps to bulk edit attribute fees from Iconic Attribute Swatches:

1- Install the “WP Sheet Editor – WooCommerce Products” plugin

This plugin allows you to:

  • Use any product field as a search parameter to do advanced searches in seconds
  • Bulk edit any product field and save a lot of hours
  • Export products and specific fields to a CSV file to edit it with Excel or Google Sheets
  • Import products and massive changes using a CSV file edited with Excel or Google sheets.

2- Install the “WP Sheet Editor – Iconic Attribute Swatches” extension

This extension is available for all the WP Sheet Editor – WooCommerce Products users. You can download it using the following button:

3- Open the WooCommerce products spreadsheet

Once you install the WP Sheet Editor plugin and extension, you can open the products spreadsheet going to WP Sheet Editor > Edit Products.

You’ll see a spreadsheet containing all your products as rows and their complete information as columns.

iconic attribute swatches bulk edit attribute fees

If you right-scroll, you can see that the Swatches Fee columns. The extension you installed creates a special column for each attribute fee.

iconic attribute swatches bulk edit attribute fees

Optional: Edit attribute fees using the spreadsheet

If you want to edit the attribute fees using the spreadsheet cells, you can do it easily because you just have to enter the fee in the cells you want and then Save changes.

This is a great way to bulk edit your attribute fees for specific products.

iconic attribute swatches bulk edit attribute fees

4- Filter the products you will edit

WP Sheet Editor allows you to filter your WooCommerce products using any field as a search parameter. For example, you can find any products containing a specific color or size, or you can search for products by product type.

Just open the Search tool with one click.

iconic attribute swatches bulk edit attribute fees

Now enter the attribute, keyword, category, or type you want to search for and click Run Search. For example, we’ll search for all the variable products.

iconic attribute swatches bulk edit attribute fees

Once you filter the products, you’ll see them displayed in the spreadsheet. You can proceed to bulk edit all these search results.

iconic attribute swatches bulk edit attribute fees

5- Bulk edit attribute fees quickly

You need to open the Bulk Edit tool, which allows you to bulk update hundreds of products. In this case, it can help you bulk set attribute fees from Iconic Attribute Swatches to all the selected WooCommerce products.

iconic attribute swatches bulk edit attribute fees

Once you open the Bulk Edit tool, you can select the following values to bulk edit the attribute fees for all the WooCommerce products you have selected.

  • Select the rows that you want to update: Edit all the rows from my current search (including non-visible rows)
  • What field do you want to edit: Here you need to select the field you’ll update; for example, if you want to add a fee to the red color, select Swatches Fee : Color : Red.
  • Select type of edit: Set value
  • Replace existing value with this value: Enter the fee here.
  • Select Edit only parent products.
  • Click Execute Now.

iconic attribute swatches bulk edit attribute fees

Once you apply these values, you’ll see that the attribute fees have been updated.

iconic attribute swatches bulk edit attribute fees

That was a piece of cake!

In the same way that you just added a fee to the red color, you can add it to the other colors, sizes or any custom attribute. It is really easy to bulk edit your attribute fees with WP Sheet Editor – WooCommerce Products.

Do you need help?

You can receive instant help in the live chat during business hours, or you can contact us and we will help you via email.
