LearnPress – Export and Import Content with Google Sheets

In this tutorial, we will show you how to export and import LearnPress content with Google Sheets. You’ll learn the best way to connect LearnPress with Google Sheets and export or import courses, lessons, quizzes, question banks, orders, etc.

Necessary plugins

This is what you need in order to export and import LearnPress content with Google Sheets:

1- WP Sheet Editor

The WP Sheet Editor plugin allows you to view and manage post, pages and custom post types using an intuitive spreadsheet. In this case, you can create a spreadsheets for your LearnPress content:

  • LearnPress courses
  • LearnPresss lessons
  • LearnPress quizzes
  • LearnPress question banks
  • LearnPress orders

2- WP Sheet Editor – Learnpress extension

This extension adds columns for custom fields created with LearnPress with automatic formatting.

3- Google Sheets Sync

The Google Sheets Sync service allows you to connect your WordPress LMS site to your Google Sheets account to export/import content.

You can sign up to the service here:

Sign up to the Google Sheets Sync Service - or - Check the features

You need to follow the steps in the sections below in order to export or import your LearnPress content with Google Sheets.

Step 1. Generate LearnPress spreadsheet

With WP Sheet Editor, you can create a spreadsheet for every LearnPress post type. For example, you can create a spreadsheet for courses, a spreadsheet for course lessons, and so on.

For this, you need to go to WP Sheet Editor → Setup spreadsheet.

Once there, you need to select the post type you want to manage in the spreadsheet you’re generating.

In this case, we will select the Courses post type, but you can select any of these LearnPress post types:

  • Courses
  • Lessons
  • Quizzes
  • Question banks
  • Orders

Note → If you use the WP Sheet Editor – Taxonomy Terms plugin, you can create a spreadsheet for Course categories, course tags, and question tags, and other taxonomies.

learnpress google sheets integration

Next, you need to select the columns you want to view in the spreadsheet.

WP Sheet Editor shows every field as a column in the spreadsheet.

If you don’t want to view specific columns, move them from the Enabled to the Disabled side and click on Save.

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Here you can see a preview of the LearnPress courses spreadsheet.

learnpress google sheets integration

Here you can see a preview of the LearnPress lessons spreadsheet.

learnpress google sheets integration

Here you can see a preview of the LearnPress quizzes spreadsheet.

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Here you can see a preview of the LearnPress question banks spreadsheet.

learnpress google sheets integration

You decide which LearnPress spreadsheet to use.

The same steps we use in this tutorial apply to all spreadsheets, so the process for exporting and importing LearnPress content is the same for courses, lessons, quizzes, etc.

Step 2. Connect WordPress and LearnPress to Google Sheets

When you sign up to the Google Sheets Sync service, you’ll get a helper plugin that allows you to connect your WordPress site to your Google account, the Google API, and the WP Sheet Editor API.

You can follow this set up guide to learn how to connect your WordPress site to your Google Sheets account through WP Sheet Editor.

Step 3. Export LearnPress content to Google Sheets

The following steps are useful for any of the following cases:

  • Export LearnPress courses to Google Sheets
  • Export LearnPress lessons to Google Sheets
  • Export LearnPress quizzes to Google Sheets
  • Export LearnPress questions to Google Sheets
  • Etc.

In this tutorial, we’re using the LearnPress courses spreadsheet.

You need to start by opening the Export tool.

learnpress google sheets integration

Now select these values when exporting your LearnPress content to Google Sheets:

  • What columns do you want to export: You can type specific column names, export all active columns, or all columns.
  • Which rows do you want to export: In this case, we will export all the posts.
  • What app will you use to edit this file: Select the Google Sheets app.
  • Name of this export (optional): You can add a name for this export, and the Google Sheets file will inherit this name.
  • Click on Start new export.

learnpress google sheets integration

Once your LearnPress content is exported to Google Sheets, you’ll see the View Google Sheet link.

If you click on that link, you’ll open the Google Sheet that has been generated with this export.

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Step 4. View and manage your LearnPress content with Google Sheets

As you can see in the screenshot below, we have exported LearnPress courses from WordPress to Google Sheets.

We can save this Google Sheet as a backup file, edit existing courses, lessons, quizzes, etc., or even add new courses, lessons, quizzes, etc., to import changes or new content from Google Sheets to WordPress.

learnpress google sheets integration

Step 5. Import LearnPress content from Google Sheets

Let’s see the steps to import LearnPress courses, lessons, etc. from Google Sheets into WordPress.

But before, there are some things you need to keep in mind before importing from Google Sheets into WordPress:

  • To protect your privacy, our Google Sheets Sync service doesn’t read files that have not been created with the service itself.
  • In other words, the service doesn’t recognize files that were not first exported from WordPress to Google Sheets using the service.
  • This means that we don’t have any access to other files on your Google account; not even to other Google Sheets files.
  • Therefore, to import a Google Sheets file, you’ll need to first export the info.
  • Once you’ve exported it, you can edit existing data or create new data in Google Sheets.

First, open the Import tool.

learnpress google sheets integration

Second, you need to select the Google Sheets file you want to import by choosing these values in the Import tool:

  • Source: Google Sheets
  • Google Sheet file: Select the file you’ll import here. If you don’t find it, click on “refresh”.
  • Click on Next.

learnpress google sheets integration

Third, select the columns you will import from Google Sheets into WordPress.

You can Import all the columns or Select individual columns to import.

Note → If you don’t want to import a specific column, you can select the second option and select “Ignore this column” for every column you don’t want to import.

learnpress google sheets integration

Fourth, select how you want to import your LearnPress content data from Google Sheets into WordPress.

In this example, we will Update existing items, ignore new items.

Note → If you select any option to update existing items, you need to match the rows in the Google Sheet with the rows on WordPress by using a specific field as an identifier. In this case, we will use the ID field as an identifier.

Click on Next.

learnpress google sheets integration

Finally, you will see a preview of the data on the spreadsheet.

If everything is OK, you can click on The preview is fine, start import.

learnpress google sheets integration

Export and import LearnPress content with Google Sheets

As you have seen in this tutorial, you can use WP Sheet Editor and Google Sheets Sync to export and import your LearnPress content (courses, lessons, quizzes, question banks, orders, course categories and tags, etc.) with Google Sheets.

This is the best way to integrate LearnPress with Google Sheets. You can create new courses or edit existing courses using Google Sheets, without having to open lots and lots of pages and spend lots of hours.

You can allow your course instructors to create and edit LearnPress content from Google Sheets. They don’t even need to know how to use WordPress.

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You can receive instant help in the live chat during business hours, or you can contact us and we will help you via email.
