SEOPress – How to Bulk Edit SEO Title, Description, Keyword

SEOPress allows you to set up SEO titles, descriptions and keywords for your posts. This allows you to work on the positioning of your posts in the different search engines such as Bing, Google, etc.

The problem is that to edit the SEOPress titles, descriptions and keywords, you must open the posts one by one, apply changes to each one, and save changes in each post. This takes a long time, many open tabs, and many clicks.

That’s why in this tutorial we will show you how to bulk edit SEOPress titles, descriptions and keywords from SEOPress in an intuitive spreadsheet using the WP Sheet Editor plugin.

Use an intuitive spreadsheet inside WordPress to:

  • View and edit posts, pages or custom post types in a spreadsheet
  • Bulk edit pages, posts or custom post types
  • Do advanced searches of your posts, pages or custom post types quickly
  • Import posts, pages or custom post types from Excel, Google Sheets, etc.
  • Download all items of any post type to a CSV file.
  • Bulk edit fields generated by other plugins.

Once you install and activate the plugin, you need to see the content in the following sections to learn how to bulk edit SEOPress titles, descriptions and keywords from SEOPress using WP Sheet Editor.

1- How to open the posts spreadsheet

To open the posts’ spreadsheet, go to WP Sheet Editor > Edit Posts.

You’ll see all posts displayed in the spreadsheet as rows and their complete information displayed as columns.


If you scroll to the right in the spreadsheet, you’ll see all the fields added by SEOPress to your posts.


2- How to bulk edit the SEOPress titles, descriptions, and keywords using the spreadsheet

You can use the spreadsheet to edit the SEOPress titles, descriptions, and descriptions. It’s as simple as editing an Excel or Google Sheets document. Just go to the columns you want to edit and change the values there. You can edit the following columns:

  • Seopress Titles Title
  • Seopress Titles Desc
  • Seopress Analysis Target Kw
  • Seopress Redirections Type
  • Etc.


Once you’ve edited the SEOPress titles, descriptions, keywords, etc., you need to click Save to apply the changes.

Something great is that you don’t have to open the posts one by one, nor save changes a lot of times. You just have to edit the cells and save changes once.

3- How to search for posts by keyword, author, category, or tag

If you don’t want to edit the SEOPress titles, descriptions, and keywords individually using the spreadsheet, you can bulk edit them. First, you need to filter the posts you’ll edit and then apply the massive changes you want.

To search for posts by keyword, author, category, or tag, you need to start by opening the Search tool with one click; it’s on the toolbar.


Once you open the Search tool, you’ll see the following search fields:

  • Contains keyword: Enter any keyword and the plugin will filter all the posts containing it in their titles.
  • Author: Enter any author’s name and the plugin will find all posts written by that person.
  • Enter Categories, Tags, or Formats: Enter any of these three search parameters and the plugin will find all posts containing it.
  • Run Search: Once you set the search terms, click this button to filter all posts and display them in the spreadsheet.


In this example, we’ll search for all posts within the Book Reviews category to apply a series of bulk changes to them. We need to do this:

  1. Enter the desired category in Enter Categories, Tags, or Formats.
  2. Click Run Search.


Once the posts are filtered, they will be displayed in the spreadsheet:


4- How to bulk edit SEOPress titles, descriptions, and keywords

Now let’s see how to massively update SEOPress titles, descriptions, and keywords in the following sections:

a) How to bulk edit SEOPress titles, descriptions, and keywords for the filtered posts quickly

To bulk edit the filtered posts, you need to start by opening the Bulk Edit tool with one click.


In the following drop-down sections we show you some examples of how you can bulk edit your SEOPress titles, descriptions, and keywords.

b) How to copy post title to SEO title

To copy post title to SEO title for all the filtered posts, you need to select the following values:

  • Select the rows that you want to update: Edit all the rows from my current search
  • What field do you want to edit: Seopress Titles Title
  • Select type of edit: Copy from other columns
  • Copy from this column: Title ($post_title$)
  • Click Execute Now.


c) How to set a default SEO descriptions and customize it for each post

We’ll set a default SEO description like this:

In $post_title$, we find an interesting story that will catch our attention and give us life lessons. It’s an great book.

With this text we’re setting a default description that is customized for every post.

We need to select the following values:

  • Select the rows that you want to update: Edit all the rows from my current search
  • What field do you want to edit: Seopress Titles Desc
  • Select type of edit: Set value
  • Copy from this column: Enter the description you want to set for your posts. For example: In $post_title$, we find an interesting story that will catch our attention and give us life lessons. It’s an great book.
  • Click Execute Now.


d) How to copy post title to SEO keyword

To copy post title to SEO keyword, we need to select the following values in the Bulk Edit tool.

  • Select the rows that you want to update: Edit all the rows from my current search
  • What field do you want to edit: Seopress Analysis Target Kw
  • Select type of edit: Copy from other columns
  • Copy from this column: Title ($post_title$)
  • Click Execute Now.


This is how the SEO titles, descriptions and keywords will look after applying the bulk changes we just showed you in the previous drop-down sections.


Bulk editing SEOPress titles is easy!

As you see, bulk editing SEOPress titles, descriptions, and keywords for all your posts is really simple with the WP Sheet Editor plugin. You don’t have to open posts one by one, but you can bulk edit them quickly.

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