WordPress – How to Bulk Edit Page Categories in a Spreadsheet

In this guide, you will learn how to bulk edit WordPress page categories using a spreadsheet. You just have to follow the steps below.

1- Install a plugin to add page categories on WordPress

As you may know, by default, WordPress doesn’t allow you to add categories or tags to pages.

But there are some tools that allow you to add taxonomy terms like categories to your WordPress pages.

One of these tools is the “Create And Assign Categories For Pages” plugin.

You just need to add that plugin to your WordPress website, and you’ll be able to add categories and tags to your WordPress pages.

As you can see below, the pages section in the wp-admin dashboard displays the Categories and Tags columns after installing the plugin.


You can also see that the quick edit settings show the Categories and Tags boxes.

wordpress bulk edit page categories

You can start adding categories to your WordPress pages, but this is not the best option if you want to bulk manage page categories and tags.

2- Install the WP Sheet Editor plugin

WP Sheet Editor – Post Types is a WordPress plugin that allows you to view and manage your posts, pages and custom post types in a spreadsheet on the WordPress admin dashboard.

You can get the premium version of WP Sheet Editor – Post Types by clicking on the button below.

After completing the payment process, you will get a zip file that you need to install as a plugin on your website.

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New Plugin.
  2. Click on Upload plugin.
  3. Click on Choose file.
  4. Locate the file on your computer.
  5. Click on Install now.
  6. Click on Activate plugin.
  7. Enter your license and click on Activate License.

After following these installation steps, you’ll be ready to bulk edit page categories on your WordPress site, using the WP Sheet Editor plugin.

You can go to WP Sheet Editor > Edit pages in the wp-admin dashboard to open the spreadsheet that allows you to manage pages.

You’ll see all your WordPress pages displayed on the spreadsheet.


a) Edit page categories in the spreadsheet

If you move to the Categories and Tags columns, you’ll see that you can now add these taxonomy terms to your WordPress pages.


You just need to type the category names or select from existing categories. The plugin will show you suggestions as you type in the category/tag names.

wordpress bulk edit page categories

You can select categories with one click, select several categories, remove specific categories by clicking on the “x” in each category, etc.

wordpress bulk edit page categories

Once you’re done editing the page categories in the spreadsheet, you can click on Save to apply the changes.

wordpress bulk edit page categories

b) Search for pages based on page category

Since you can use any field of your WordPress pages as a search filter, you can search for pages by category or tag. Let’s see how to do it.

You need to start by opening the Search tool.


Once you’re in the Search tool, you’ll see several search fields, so you need to use the Enter Categories or Tags field in order to search for your WordPress pages by category.

Just enter the category you want and click on Run search.

wordpress bulk edit page categories

After running the search, you will see all the pages that match the selected category displayed in the spreadsheet.


c) Bulk edit page categories

If you want to assign a new category to all the filtered pages in bulk, remove specific category terms from all the pages, replace specific category terms, etc., you can do it easily with the Bulk Edit tool. Let’s see how to set a new category to all the selected pages.

Just start by opening the Bulk Edit tool.


Once you’re in the Bulk Edit tool, you need to select these values if you want to set a new category to all the selected pages:

  • Select the rows that you want to update: Edit all the rows from my current search, including non-visible rows.
  • What field do you want to edit: Categories
  • Select type of edit: You have several options. We will select the Set value option, but you can select other options such as:
    • Remove terms. If you want to remove specific terms from your pages.
    • Copy from other columns. If you want to copy from the Tags column, for example.
    • Set value. Replace all the existing values with a new value.
    • Replace. Move pages from specific categories to other categories
    • Append. Add a new category to the existing categories.
    • Clear value. Remove all categories.
  • Since we’ve selected the Set value option, we will need to add the new category to the We will replace the existing terms with these terms field.
  • Click on Execute Now.

wordpress bulk edit page categories

This is how you can create and assign categories and tags to your WordPress pages, using the “Create And Assign Categories For Pages” plugin.

You can also bulk manage your WordPress page categories using the WP Sheet Editor plugin, which allows you to save a lot of time and boost your productivity.

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