WooCommerce – Export Orders with Specific Dates or Date Range

Let’s see how to export WooCommerce orders with specific dates or by date range.

Maybe you need to export your WooCommerce orders created on a specific date, or all orders from last week, month or year.

This can be useful if you want to analyze the impact or results from a specific marketing campaign held during a specific date interval.

Exporting WooCommerce orders by specific date or date range can be very useful for creating custom sales reports based on a specific timeframe.

Consider these examples of how exporting orders placed during a specific date or date range can serve your needs:

  • Export all WooCommerce orders from last month or your desired timeframe
  • Track and analyze your sales by day, week, or month, depending on your needs
  • Get orders placed within a specific date interval for accounting purposes
  • Export WooCommerce orders with a date range that aligns with your restocking schedule
  • Create quarterly business reviews by exporting WooCommerce orders placed during the last three months

This is not possible with WooCommerce alone. You might need to create the table by yourself and copy the orders’ information one by one.

That’s boring! Fortunately, we have great news!

WP Sheet Editor – WooCommerce Orders

You can use an intuitive spreadsheet to find and export WooCommerce orders created during a specific date range.

We’re talking about the WP Sheet Editor – WooCommerce Orders plugin.

It displays all your WooCommerce orders and their complete information on a spreadsheet.

It contains a Search tool to help you filter your orders.

You can also use the Bulk Edit tool, which allows you to edit thousands of orders in just some minutes.

And you can also use the plugins’ export and import tools to manage your orders using CSV files.

After installing and activating it, go to Sheet Editor > Edit orders to open the orders’ spreadsheet.

woocommerce export orders by date range

Now, just follow these simple steps.

1- Open the “Search” tool to filter your orders by date range

The Search tool allows you to filter orders using several search parameters and save a lot of time.

You can open it by clicking on Search.

woocommerce export orders by date range

You’ll find the following search fields.

  • Contains keyword – Search for all the orders containing a specific keyword in the title.
  • Status – Search for all orders with these statuses: Pending Payment, Processing, On hold, Completed, Cancelled, Refunded, Failed, Trash.
  • Find orders containing these products – Search for orders containing specific products.
  • Order notes – Search for all orders containing a specific keyword in the order notes.
  • Enable advanced filters – Use filters to search orders by date range, billing and shipping info, order total, etc.

2- Filter all your orders with specific date or date range

After opening the search tool, you need to decide if you want to search for orders containing specific dates or using a specific date range.

Tip: Search for orders with a specific date if you want to find orders placed on a specific day. Search for orders by date range if you want to find orders placed during a specific time period (week, month, year, etc.)

a) Orders with specific date

To search for orders with specific dates, select these values in the search tool:

  • Tick the Enable advanced filters checkbox
  • Field: Date (GTM) (post_date_gtm)
  • Operator: CONTAINS
  • Value: Enter the date using the YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Click on Run search.


Once you filter your WooCommerce orders with specific dates, you will see them displayed on the spreadsheet. You’ll also see the active search filters above the spreadsheet.

If you chose this search option, you can go to the next step and export your orders containing a specific date.


b) Orders with specific date range

Let’s say you want to find all orders placed during January 2024. In this case, we need to set a date range that starts on January 1 and ends on January 31.

Or maybe you want to track sales during another time interval like last year, last Christmas, etc.

Whatever the case, in the Search tool you need to tick the Enable advanced filters checkbox and select these values:

  • Date range from: Enter the initial date
  • Date range to: Enter the final date
  • Click on Run search to filter all your orders by date range.

woocommerce export orders by date range

After that, you’ll see all your orders created during the specified date range displayed on the spreadsheet.

You can see the search filters applied above the spreadsheet.

woocommerce export orders by date range

3- Export the filtered orders

Now you need to export the orders you’ve filtered by date or date range.

For that, just click on Export on the top toolbar.

woocommerce export orders by date range

Now you need to select these values to export the WooCommerce orders to a CSV file:

  • What columns do you want to export: Select all the columns you want to export to the CSV file. You can click on Select all active columns, Select all, or select the columns individually. We will export all columns in this example.
  • Which rows do you want to export: We will export all the rows (orders) from our current search.
  • What app will you use to edit this file: You can select Microsoft Excel (Office 365), Older versions of Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and other options.
  • You can add a name for this export in the Name of this export field.
  • If you want to export a detailed list of the products instead of one row per order, you need to tick the Export every product (line item) as separate rows checkbox.
  • Click on Start new export.

woocommerce export orders by date range

After running the export, a CSV file containing the data of the selected orders will be downloaded to your computer. Now you can send a report to your client without any problem.

woocommerce export orders by date range

As you have seen in this tutorial, you don’t need to spend many hours, open a lot of tabs, click on many buttons, etc. to export orders by date interval.

You can save a lot of time finding and exporting all your orders by specific date or date range with WP Sheet Editor – WooCommerce Orders.


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