Complete Guide to Import WooCommerce Products from a CSV

Let’s see how to import WooCommerce products from a CSV file.

With WP Sheet Editor, you can completely transform the way you manage your WooCommerce products. Instead of using the normal WooCommerce product editor, you can create and edit your products in an intuitive spreadsheet within WordPress.

However, there are times when you may need to import WooCommerce products from a CSV file. And for this, WP Sheet Editor also has export and import tools that allow you to import and create products, import and update products, and so on.

First, let’s see what you need in order to import WooCommerce products using a CSV file.

What you need to import WooCommerce products from a CSV file

To import your WooCommerce products using a CSV file, you’ll need these two things:

1- A CSV file containing your products’ data

You can download a sample CSV here, or you can export your WooCommerce products using WP Sheet Editor.

2- The WP Sheet Editor – WooCommerce Products plugin

As we’ve mentioned, this plugin creates a spreadsheet for all your products so that you can easily edit any field of your WooCommerce products.

Once installed and activated, just follow these simple steps:

How to create new products from a CSV file

If you don’t have products in your WooCommerce store, or you want to add new products in addition to the ones you already have, you can create products using a CSV file.

To prepare the CSV file you are going to import, you have two options.

  1. You can download a CSV sample by clicking here.
  2. You can prepare the CSV file yourself, even if the file only includes some basic fields/columns such as product name, price, description, etc.

As you can see in the screenshot below, we have created a CSV file with the following fields or columns:

  • Name: Product title/name
  • Regular Price: Enter the product price
  • Description: Product short description
  • Stock: Enter the number of products you’ll have in stock


We will use that CSV file to import and create the WooCommerce products on our WordPress site.

To do this, we need to open the Import tool on WP Sheet Editor.


As you can see, we have no products, so we’ll create new products using the CSV we’ve prepared.

You need to select these values in order to create products from a CSV:

  • Source: You have different options here:
    • CSV file from my computer (this is the option we’ll select in this example)
    • URL
    • Copy & paste from another spreadsheet or table
    • CSV File in the server
    • FTP
    • Google Sheets (read tutorial)
  • Click on Choose file and locate the CSV on your computer.
  • Click on Next.


Now you can map the columns in the CSV file with the columns/fields on WordPress/WP Sheet Editor.

Once you’ve mapped the columns, click on Next.


Since we’re creating new products, we will select Import all rows as new and click on Next.

Note – You also have the options to Create new items and update existing items or Only create new items and ignore existing items.


Finally, you’ll see a preview. If everything looks OK, click on The preview is fine, start import.


Once the products are imported, you’ll see how many products were updated and/or created.


As you can see below, the products have been created successfully from the CSV file.


Now you can start using WP Sheet Editor to edit other fields such as featured images, categories, short descriptions, product type, etc.

If you go to Products > All products, you’ll see all the products that you just created from the CSV file.


How to update existing products from a CSV File

If what you mainly want is not to create new products but to update existing products using a CSV file, you can easily do it with WP Sheet Editor.

Just follow these steps:

First, you need to edit the products in a CSV file. In this example, we have exported our WooCommerce products and edited prices, stock, etc.


Second, you need to open the Import tool.


Third, select which CSV file you will import:

  • Source: You have different options here:
    • CSV file from my computer (this is the option we’ll select in this example)
    • URL
    • Copy & paste from another spreadsheet or table
    • CSV File in the server
    • FTP
    • Google Sheets (read tutorial)
  • Click on Choose file and locate the CSV on your computer.
  • Click on Next.


Fourth, you need to select if you want to Import all the rows or Select individual columns to import. We’ll import all the rows in this example.


Fifth, you need to select how you will update the existing products:

  • Do you want to update or create items: You have 2 options in this case:
    • Create new items and update existing items
    • Update existing items, ignore new items (this is the option we will select in this example)
  • Since we’re updating existing products, we need a way to match the data in the CSV with the data on WordPress. In this case, we’ll use the product IDs as an identifier, so we need to select these values:
    • CSV Field: record_id
    • WordPress Field: ID
  • Click on Next.


Now you’ll see a preview. If everything is OK, click on The preview is fine, start import.


Once the import process is complete, you will see how many items or products have been updated and / or created.


This is how you can quickly create and/or update thousands of products using a CSV file you’ve created with Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets or any other CSV editor.

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