WooCommerce – How to Export List of Active Subscriptions

Note: This tutorial focuses on the “WooCommerce Subscriptions” plugin.

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Sometimes, we want to know which of our WooComerce Subscriptions are active so we can calculate how much revenue we will make this month. Or maybe you are just a shop manager and your client asks you to give him a detailed report of all active subscriptions at this time.

As you know, WooCommerce Subscriptions does not allow you to export the detailed information of your subscriptions. Therefore, in this tutorial we will show you how to search and export all active subscriptions using the WooCommerce Orders Spreadsheet plugin.

With this WordPress Plugin, you can do advanced searches and apply massive changes to your subscriptions quickly. In addition, you can export and import your subscriptions using CSV files.

Once installed and activated, follow these simple steps to filter and export all active columns to a CSV file:

1- Set up the subscriptions spreadsheet

Important. You can skip this step if you have already set up the subscriptions spreadsheet.

To set up the subscriptions spreadsheet go to WP Sheet Editor > Setup Spreadsheet.


Now select the columns you want to include in the spreadsheet. If you consider any column to be unnecessary, move it to the Disabled side. Once you select the columns to include in the spreadsheet, scroll down and click Save.


After that, you’ll see all your subscriptions displayed in the spreadsheet as rows and their fields as columns.


2- Search for the active subscriptions

To search for all the active subscriptions, you need to start by clicking Search on the toolbar.


After opening the Search tool, you need to search for the active subscriptions. For that, tick the Enable advanced filters checkbox and select the following values:


  • Field: Subscription Status
  • Operator: =
  • Value: Active

After selecting these values, click Run search and the spreadsheet will display all the active subscriptions. Now you’re ready to export them to a CSV file.


3- Export all the active subscriptions

After filtering all the active subscriptions, you need to open the Export tool with one click on the top toolbar.


Once you open the Export tool, you need to select these values to configure the export:


  • Click Select active columns.
  • Tick the I understand it will export all the rows from my current search checkbox.
  • What app will you use to edit this file? (optional): Select any of the options. Google Sheets for example.
  • Name of this export (optional): You can enter a name for this export and use it for future exports.
  • Click Start new export.

After that, the CSV file will be downloaded to your computer and you can open it with the selected app. Here’s how our active subscriptions look in Google Sheets.


How easy!

As you can see, exporting all WooCommerce subscriptions is really easy with the WooCommerce Orders Spreadsheet plugin. With this intuitive spreadsheet, you can do this and many more things like advanced searches and massive changes. In the end, you will end up saving a lot of time managing hundreds of subscriptions.

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