WooCommerce – Search Active Subscriptions by Payment Method

In this post, we show you how to search for all your WooCommerce Subscriptions by payment method.

In WooCommerce Subscriptions, you can select two types of recurring payments: manual or automatic.

For any of these types of recurring payments, you can add different payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, WooCommerce Payments, and so on. However, you can’t search for all the subscriptions with a specific payment gateway.

That’s why we’ll show you how to use the payment methods field as a search parameter.

This is very useful when you want to make a calculation of how much money your subscriptions generate for you through the different payment methods that WooCommerce allows you to use. You can find out how many subscriptions use PayPal, how many use direct bank transfer, etc.

WooCommerce Orders Spreadsheet

Use an intuitive spreadsheet inside WordPress to:

  • View and edit WC orders, subscriptions, memberships, etc.
  • Use any field as an advanced search parameter with a few clicks
  • Edit hundreds of subscriptions, orders, membership plans, etc.
  • Generate reports by exporting subscriptions, orders, or membership plans
  • Import order, subscription or membership plan updates
  • Bulk edit fields generated by other plugins
  • And a lot of things!

You can download the plugin here:

Download WooCommerce Orders Spreadsheet Plugin – or – Check the features

Once you install and activate the WooCommerce Orders Spreadsheet plugin, follow these simple steps to search for all the active subscriptions by payment method.

1- Set up the WooCommerce subscriptions spreadsheet

Important: You can go on to the next step if you have already generated the subscriptions spreadsheet.

  • Go to WP Sheet Editor > Setup Spreadsheet.
  • Select Subscriptions.
  • Click Save.

woocommerce subscriptons search by payment method

Now select the columns you want to display in the spreadsheet.

  • Enabled – This side shows all the columns (fields) that will be displayed in the spreadsheet.
  • Disabled – This side shows all the columns (fields) that will be hidden from the spreadsheet. Move any unnecessary columns here.
  • Click Save to generate the spreadsheet.

woocommerce subscriptons search by payment method

Now you’ll see the subscriptions displayed in the spreadsheet. Every row is a subscription; every column is a field. You can see the Payment Method field displayed as a column in the spreadsheet.

woocommerce subscriptons search by payment method

2- Search for active WooCommerce subscriptions by payment method

You need to follow these simple steps to search for all active WooCommerce subscriptions by payment method.

Click Search on the top toolbar.

woocommerce subscriptons search by payment method

This tool allows you to search for all the subscriptions by keyword, status, date, etc. In this case, we’ll use it to search for all the active subscriptions by payment method.

Once you open the Search tool, select these values to search for all the active subscriptions by payment method.

a) Tick the Enable advanced filters checkbox and select these values:

  • Field: Status
  • Operator: =
  • Value: Active

b) Click Add New to enter a new advanced filter and select these values:

  • Field: Payment Method
  • Operator: =
  • Value: Direct bank transfer, for example.

c) Click Run Search to filter all the active subscriptions by payment method.

woocommerce subscriptons search by payment method

Once these search parameters have been applied, all the active subscriptions containing the selected payment method will be displayed in the spreadsheet.

woocommerce subscriptons search by payment method

Important: If you want to find subscriptions using more payment methods as search parameters, just add another advanced filter and select the payment method as we did in the second advanced filter.

That was really simple!

As you see, searching for all the active subscriptions by payment method is really simple with the WooCommerce Orders Spreadsheet plugin. You can save lots of hours and use the filtered information to send reports to your team or clients.

You can download the plugin here:

Download WooCommerce Orders Spreadsheet Plugin – or – Check the features

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You can receive instant help in the live chat during business hours, or you can contact us and we will help you via email.